Post by Judy on Sept 14, 2020 12:13:49 GMT
Bernadette raised an interesting point in our zoom meeting last night. She was asking whether we should teach early number concepts using one set pattern of dots only. Would it be confusing to mix different arrangements of dots? If you were to represent the numbers one to ten using dots patterns how would you do it? What would the way you have arranged the dots tell you about our number system? One more, one less? Odds and evens?
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Post by Linda on Sept 14, 2020 13:10:41 GMT
Previously I had used the patterns found on dice or tally marks. Since starting this course, I have changed to using Steve's patterns as my students tend to get 1, 2, 5 and 10 and we can use this to identify the other numbers. I find it a useful method for identifying addition and subtraction patterns. The number 3 is one my students disagree over, either preferring the pattern found on a dice or one making the shape of a triangle. I suppose consistency of method is important, which is what Bernadette mentioned about this second system being introduced before her student was competent in the first method.
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Post by Jenny on Sept 14, 2020 14:29:20 GMT
Thanks for raising this. I hadn't consciously realised that there are different spot patterns and last night's conversation highlighted the problems of children learning different pattern systems initially.
I think having the numbers 1-6 being mostly similar to dice patterns is very useful because these are universally recognised almost as characters, and children will hopefully come across dice at school and at home. I don't think it matters too much whether it's a diagonal, horizontal or vertical line for 2 but as Linda says, the straight line three on a dice could be replaced with Steve's triangle 3. In some ways I prefer Steve's 3 because when added to the 5 to make 8, it gives something which feels more like 8 as the two missing from 10 are adjacent. I'm interested that Linda's students have varying opinions on 3.
I think Mahesh Sharma uses a vertical straight line for 3 but a slightly different triangle for 3 when it is in 7 & 8. I presume this means that he thinks children can easily learn both 3s. His patterns seem similar to Steve's. (Judy, did you get anywhere with asking him to send over some of the number cluster cards for us to buy?)
I hadn't come across Emerson's dot patterns so I've just looked them up. These seem to work more around doubles and near doubles. I prefer to link numbers to 5 and 10 because I think that relationship is so vital, and fits with fingers so well.
However, I then find that I'm contradicting myself with 6 as the dice 6 is very easy to recognise but 5+1 links better with fingers.
The advantage that Numicon has is that it shows odd and even numbers so clearly. If my student was from a Numicon school where that was the pattern system they were using at school, I think I would stick with that so that they can get really secure.
I think the important thing might be to be aware what one system shows well and what will need to be covered in another way.
Spot on with numbers has peg boards in the dice 5 shape. Their resources show the numbers between 5 & 10 made by putting two dice patterns together. However, the peg boards can be used to make numbers to match those of Steve or Mahesh. I don't see that they would work for Emerson's number 7. (https://cdn.website-editor.net/e3616c10198541bb81c2e4190290ee30/files/uploaded/Dyscalculia%2520dot%2520representations%2520v1.pdf) I imagine that if you started with Steve's or Mahesh's patterns, you could use the spot on peg boards to show other relationships easily e.g. 5+3=4+4.
Sorry if this is rather waffly as I've been thinking it through whilst writing it.
Post by bernadette on Sept 14, 2020 23:33:38 GMT
Thank you very much Judy for allowing us to continue the discussion and it is great to get more views on it from everyone.
Because I am focusing on patterns 1-6 initially, it's true that sometimes there is a little degree of familiarity (only a little!)initially, or at least the dots may appear to not be a totally abstract / alien concept. I am afraid I am very stuck on my 7, as the children seem to love it perhaps because I call it lollypop 7. Children building in two colours, can then 'describe' it to me well. This seems to me the 'stand out' number pattern for them and once they verbalise what they 'see in their head' they can usually tell me that 4+3 makes 7. 8 in the Yeo (calling them Emerson here too) pattern to me is very logical, as the four is relatively easy to remember. It uses the idea of two dice on top of each other too , as does the 9 and the 10 is then fairly obvious. The key to me is being really thorough on 1-6, making 8,9 and 10 'easy'.
Agree with the "doubles" aspect 2, 4 , 6 ,8 and 10 too. I think once the children 'get 3" vertically or on a slight slant, (but not horizontal), then yes, double 3 for 6 is taken care of more easily. I don't actually use dot/dice patterns explicitly for near doubles work at this stage usually (although I know Ronit Bird does explicitly build it in for example), tending to use cuisenaire and other things, and perhaps I will rethink this.
Sometimes some children will automatically build a 5 with 2 red and 3 yellow, despite me modelling it the other way around and I must read up on this! It's interesting isn't it?. The whole 'patterns as a visual hook' is just the starting point for everything. I've found that by getting a visual hook, a truly dyscalculic child (especially a younger pupil) can also experience a little bit of success early on, even if it is just 'seeing' and more importantly actually understanding 'why' 2 + 2 make 4 and 3 plus 2 is five. There are so many opportunities for language too during the concrete stage especially, one more, one less, take away, subtract, add, how many more, less etc as you move the counters around.
I know Carol from Spot on with Numbers and I saw some of her very early resources. I like them. To me they are like the Yeo patterns (other than the 7) and they obviously work extremely well with Steve's. My only reservation, is that for me, I am not sure about using so many colours, as I think it can a little confusing visually for some, but perhaps that is because I am stuck in working with two colours only, for the sake of simplicity and clear lines. I am going to buy the 'bonds of 10" pack from Spot On though , as I like the look of it, and by the time we are at 10, if the other numbers/bonds are really known well, I think they could be useful too.
Sami's points about Numicon were really well made. It is such a big system and I am sure it needs to be properly used and lots of schools do use it. I have bought bits of it for pupils very slightly 'further down the maths line".
It was good to get feedback - thank you. Having hated anything to do with numbers, my pupil was enjoying using his counters and the other materials, saying "I can do this maths' and saying cheerfully on zoom "I have my dots here" and settling into lessons happily.I think parents can panic understandably - his weren't wrong to try to teach him his bonds of 10 at home but suddenly introducing 'a bit of Numicon', and a bit of something else, for this particular child just confused him (and writing the numbers on his cuisenaire rods) .The thing he felt he was starting to be successful at, building his patterns, describing them, (without the pattern in front of him too was good progress!) manipulating them, splitting and recombining, drawing them, AND actually writing simple equations, he suddenly couldn't do beyond 4, or behaved as though he couldn't. To him Numicon was a 'whole' different way, a whole new set of 'things to learn' and made him insecure and 'avoidant' again. We will fix it though!
He has suddenly got doubles though, using what he learnt from dots and cusineaire rods but it struck a chord and made me consider how an inconsistency in approaches, at least at the very early stages with a dyscalculic pupil could be detrimental to progress.
Jenny, your post was not at all waffly, although is very hard to talk 'dots' without sounding waffly. A lot of what I have just written would look really odd indeed to anybody not interested in dots, dyscalculia and maths difficulties!
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Posts: 50
Post by Jenny on Sept 15, 2020 13:52:40 GMT
This is really interesting. I really like your conclusion, 'The key to me is being really thorough on 1-6, making 8,9 and 10 'easy'. That sounds like a really good principle.
You talk about 2 colours with Emerson's dots. Are the colours built into the patterns? I only found a black and white version, or it this when you are showing that 5 is made of 2 and 3, where you would make 2 in one colour and 3 in another?
I'm also very tempted to buy some Spot on with Numbers, but as you already know, I am probably a hoarder of manipulatives 🤣!
Post by bernadette on Sept 15, 2020 23:17:49 GMT
Jenny I am afraid I am a hoarder too, Yes I use two colours only, as the pattern then also separates the 'key components' and the link is there really to each other number (the 7 being a little 'different' but even then it is essentially a four dice on top of a three, in two colours. Happy to show you the colour arrangements that I use for Yeo on a quick zoom call anytime (if you like). I like Steve's and Sharma's too.
Post by Judy on Sept 17, 2020 10:09:07 GMT
Thanks for raising this. I hadn't consciously realised that there are different spot patterns and last night's conversation highlighted the problems of children learning different pattern systems initially. I think having the numbers 1-6 being mostly similar to dice patterns is very useful because these are universally recognised almost as characters, and children will hopefully come across dice at school and at home. I don't think it matters too much whether it's a diagonal, horizontal or vertical line for 2 but as Linda says, the straight line three on a dice could be replaced with Steve's triangle 3. In some ways I prefer Steve's 3 because when added to the 5 to make 8, it gives something which feels more like 8 as the two missing from 10 are adjacent. I'm interested that Linda's students have varying opinions on 3. I think Mahesh Sharma uses a vertical straight line for 3 but a slightly different triangle for 3 when it is in 7 & 8. I presume this means that he thinks children can easily learn both 3s. His patterns seem similar to Steve's. (Judy, did you get anywhere with asking him to send over some of the number cluster cards for us to buy?) I hadn't come across Emerson's dot patterns so I've just looked them up. These seem to work more around doubles and near doubles. I prefer to link numbers to 5 and 10 because I think that relationship is so vital, and fits with fingers so well. However, I then find that I'm contradicting myself with 6 as the dice 6 is very easy to recognise but 5+1 links better with fingers. The advantage that Numicon has is that it shows odd and even numbers so clearly. If my student was from a Numicon school where that was the pattern system they were using at school, I think I would stick with that so that they can get really secure. I think the important thing might be to be aware what one system shows well and what will need to be covered in another way. Spot on with numbers has peg boards in the dice 5 shape. Their resources show the numbers between 5 & 10 made by putting two dice patterns together. However, the peg boards can be used to make numbers to match those of Steve or Mahesh. I don't see that they would work for Emerson's number 7. (https://cdn.website-editor.net/e3616c10198541bb81c2e4190290ee30/files/uploaded/Dyscalculia%2520dot%2520representations%2520v1.pdf) I imagine that if you started with Steve's or Mahesh's patterns, you could use the spot on peg boards to show other relationships easily e.g. 5+3=4+4. Sorry if this is rather waffly as I've been thinking it through whilst writing it.
Post by Judy on Sept 17, 2020 10:11:09 GMT
Hi Jenny Thanks for your post- it is so fascinating when you start looking at all the different patterns and the different messages that it gives us about number and number relationships. I have not heard back from Mahesh yet, but will be speaking to him over the next couple of weeks, so I will remind him. I think Spot on with number is a great resource, I would highly recommend it. Judy
Post by Judy on Sept 17, 2020 10:13:42 GMT
Thank you very much Judy for allowing us to continue the discussion and it is great to get more views on it from everyone. Because I am focusing on patterns 1-6 initially, it's true that sometimes there is a little degree of familiarity (only a little!)initially, or at least the dots may appear to not be a totally abstract / alien concept. I am afraid I am very stuck on my 7, as the children seem to love it perhaps because I call it lollypop 7. Children building in two colours, can then 'describe' it to me well. This seems to me the 'stand out' number pattern for them and once they verbalise what they 'see in their head' they can usually tell me that 4+3 makes 7. 8 in the Yeo (calling them Emerson here too) pattern to me is very logical, as the four is relatively easy to remember. It uses the idea of two dice on top of each other too , as does the 9 and the 10 is then fairly obvious. The key to me is being really thorough on 1-6, making 8,9 and 10 'easy'. Agree with the "doubles" aspect 2, 4 , 6 ,8 and 10 too. I think once the children 'get 3" vertically or on a slight slant, (but not horizontal), then yes, double 3 for 6 is taken care of more easily. I don't actually use dot/dice patterns explicitly for near doubles work at this stage usually (although I know Ronit Bird does explicitly build it in for example), tending to use cuisenaire and other things, and perhaps I will rethink this. Sometimes some children will automatically build a 5 with 2 red and 3 yellow, despite me modelling it the other way around and I must read up on this! It's interesting isn't it?. The whole 'patterns as a visual hook' is just the starting point for everything. I've found that by getting a visual hook, a truly dyscalculic child (especially a younger pupil) can also experience a little bit of success early on, even if it is just 'seeing' and more importantly actually understanding 'why' 2 + 2 make 4 and 3 plus 2 is five. There are so many opportunities for language too during the concrete stage especially, one more, one less, take away, subtract, add, how many more, less etc as you move the counters around. I know Carol from Spot on with Numbers and I saw some of her very early resources. I like them. To me they are like the Yeo patterns (other than the 7) and they obviously work extremely well with Steve's. My only reservation, is that for me, I am not sure about using so many colours, as I think it can a little confusing visually for some, but perhaps that is because I am stuck in working with two colours only, for the sake of simplicity and clear lines. I am going to buy the 'bonds of 10" pack from Spot On though , as I like the look of it, and by the time we are at 10, if the other numbers/bonds are really known well, I think they could be useful too. Sami's points about Numicon were really well made. It is such a big system and I am sure it needs to be properly used and lots of schools do use it. I have bought bits of it for pupils very slightly 'further down the maths line". I felt a little sad for my young and very definitely dyscalculic pupil and it was good to get feedback - thank you. Having hated anything to do with numbers, he was enjoying using his counters and the other materials, saying "I can do this maths' and saying cheerfully on zoom "I have my dots here" and settling into lessons happily.I think parents can panic understandably - his weren't wrong to try to teach him his bonds of 10 at home but suddenly introducing 'a bit of Numicon', and a bit of something else, for this particular child just confused him (and writing the numbers on his cuisenaire rods) .The thing he felt he was starting to be successful at, building his patterns, describing them, (without the pattern in front of him too was good progress!) manipulating them, splitting and recombining, drawing them, AND actually writing simple equations, he suddenly couldn't do beyond 4, or behaved as though he couldn't. To him Numicon was a 'whole' different way, a whole new set of 'things to learn' and made him insecure and 'avoidant' again. We will fix it though! He has suddenly got doubles though, using what he learnt from dots and cusineaire rods but it struck a chord and made me consider how an inconsistency in approaches, at least at the very early stages with a dyscalculic pupil could be detrimental to progress. Jenny, your post was not at all waffly, although is very hard to talk 'dots' without sounding waffly. A lot of what I have just written would look really odd indeed to anybody not interested in dots, dyscalculia and maths difficulties!
Post by Judy on Sept 17, 2020 10:17:01 GMT
It is such an interesting debate - I do agree with you about the colours though. If I want a child to focus on a particular mathematical concept then I would use only one colour. If you wanted them to spot that 7 was a 4 and a 3 then I would use two colours. I think the most effective way is to keep everything the same except for the thing that you are trying to highlight. You always see boxes of mixed coloured cubes in EYFS and the first thing I advise is to get the children to sort them into colour groups. It makes a huge difference! Now that's given me an idea for our next discussion point......
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Posts: 23
Post by Becky on Sept 17, 2020 20:33:30 GMT
This is loosely linked to dot patterns. I was teaching place value this week and showed them a visual of sweets in packets of hundreds, tens and ones. I showed them two different pictures but with the same total. One was in a row - 3 100s, 2 10s and 7 1s and the other was randomly arranged. I asked them which one they preferred to do and they mostly said the random one because they could see the 100s and 10s easily but the ones were easier to see as they could group them in to a 4 and a 3. On the other picture where the ones were in a straight line, they told me that they found it difficult to count and would often discount and have to start again. It was lovely to see and know that this had been taught well.
Post by Steve on Sept 28, 2020 11:03:57 GMT
What a great conversation! Thanks, all.
All I can add is that I like (always) to keep in mind just how developmental maths is, so I like any ideas that 'travel up' the curriculum and I am inclined to dislike any ideas that are too specific and, even worse, have to be unlearned as the maths moves on